ART 55 East Falls Church - Langston Blvd. - Rosslyn

ART 55 connects the East Falls Church and Rosslyn Metro stations via Langston Boulevard. The route is a good commuting option during the week and also provides weekend service.
The following bus stops are not served by ART 55 on Monday - Friday from 7:00 am - 9:00 am:
Langston Blvd., EB @ N Quinn St, FS -- RealTime #6000749
Langston Blvd., EB @ Fort Myer Dr, NS -- RealTime #6000754
These bus stops may show up on RealTime, but will not be served weekdays from 7 am - 9 am. During morning rush hour, ART 55 will take a detour down Quinn St. to avoid traffic on Langston Blvd. and get to the Rosslyn Metro station faster. These two bus stops get little to no use during AM rush hour. Regular service will resume for these stops after 9 am.
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ART 55 Schedules
- Effective 8/24/2020
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Holiday Schedule
ART 55 operates a Sunday schedule on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
ART 55 operates a Saturday schedule on the following holidays: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Indigenous Peoples' Day, Veterans Day, Day after Thanksgiving.