STAR Engagement
About STAR
STAR (Specialized Transportation for Arlington Residents) is a shared-ride service for people whose disabilities prevent them from riding other bus and rail services. STAR provides a comparable level of public transportation to that provided by Arlington Transit and Metrobus and Metrorail in Arlington and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
About the Americans with Disabilities Act
“Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), paratransit functions as a “safety net” for persons whose disabilities prevent them from using the regular fixed route system (bus or rail). It is not intended to meet all of the transportation needs of all persons with disabilities, all of the time.”
A comparable level of public transportation to that available on fixed route system includes:
“There is no obligation to provide service to points beyond the service area, or during times of day or on days of the week when the comparable bus route or rail line is not operating. Of course, nothing in the ADA prohibits a transit system from operating service above and beyond the minimum ADA requirements.”
Source: Federal Transit Administration
Current STAR service is provided without regard to distance from a bus route and has a greater service area that Arlington Transit, operating above the minimum ADA requirements.
About the Engagement
Arlington Transit is seeking community feedback to help inform potential service recommendations as part of the STAR operations contract process.
Project Goals
Make operational efficiencies to paratransit service.
Collect community feedback to help inform service recommendations.
Make operational efficiencies to paratransit service.
About the Process
Feedback received through these engagements, along with operational data, will help Arlington Transit make service adjustment recommendations. These will be included as part of the STAR operations contract in spring 2024.
Fall 2023 – STAR Rider Feedback Engagement
Level of Community Engagement: Involve
STAR riders were able to share their feedback on existing service and what matters most to them.
This feedback was used to identify four service focus areas (travel zones, payment options, same-day trips, and new technology features) in need of additional feedback.
Internal STAR operational review: Arlington Transit staff reviewed and assessed program needs.
Engagement materials
Winter 2024 – STAR Service Focus Area Engagement
Level of Community Engagement: Inform/Involve
Community feedback from STAR users, community organizations and other key stakeholders, along with operational data, will be used to inform any potential changes to STAR service.
Arlington Transit will be issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for STAR Operations in winter 2024.
Engagement materials
Spring 2024 – Service Recommendations
Level of Community Engagement: Communicate
Any service recommendations, informed by community feedback and operational data, will be part of a new STAR operations contract process.
Details about changes and any anticipated impacts will be shared in advance of any changes to service with STAR riders, relevant stakeholders and through broader County channels.
Contact Information
Clinton Edwards
Transit Services Manager