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Plan Your Trip

Service AlertsSTAR Service Disruptions and Scheduling Delays: STAR is currently experiencing service delays. This may result in longer wait times to plan trips and schedule rides. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to find immediate solutions to bring the service back to acceptable levels. View all ART Alerts


ART is committed to providing accessible and convenient transportation for all Arlington residents and visitors.

  • Discounted fares for senior citizens and persons with disabilities are available.
  • ART stops are clearly marked through signs on a pole that include the route(s) that serve the stop, an ART real-time information identification number, and a phone number to reach ART operations.
  • Digital signs on the front and side of ART buses display the destination and route number.
  • ART buses announce their route and destination over an external speaker system as they arrive at ART stops.
  • While on an ART bus, next stops are automatically announced over an internal speaker system and displayed on an overhead digital sign at the front of the bus. In any case, you can ask the operator to announce when the bus is approaching your stop.
  • After pressing the signal strip or pulling the cord along the window, a sign near the operator lights up noting a stop has been requested.
  • All ART buses are fully accessible through the ability to lower or kneel to the curb and the deployment of ramps to provide access for riders using wheelchairs, scooters and other mobility aids. Bus operators will assist riders in wheelchairs and scooters. While on board, all wheelchairs and scooters are required to be 100% secured using fastening straps located in the priority seating areas.
  • The buses have two wheelchair securement areas, and priority seating for senior citizens and persons with disabilities, near the front.

Tips for Riders Using Wheelchairs and Scooters on ART

  • Wait at bus stop where the operator can see you. That way when your bus arrives, the operator will know to deploy the ramp, which helps save time.
  • If you need to use the ramp or lift and the operator has not already deployed it, just ask. ART operators will assist you if you need help guiding your wheelchair or scooter onto the ramp.
  • Take advantage of priority seating options. Two securement areas are provided for persons using wheelchairs or scooters.
  • Lock your brakes while the bus is in motion.
  • Press the signal strip or pull the cord along the window to let the operator know you want to get off at the next stop.
  • When the bus stops, the operator will remove the securement straps from your wheelchair or scooter, and deploy the ramp for you.

Programs for Persons with Disabilities

Arlington County offers the following programs to help persons with disabilities and senior citizens get around.

Accessibility for Other Transit Systems

Accessibility information for other transit systems serving Arlington:

Photo: Person using wheelchair boarding ART bus

Accessibility Quick Links