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Service AlertsART Route 45 - Bus Stop Closure: Beginning February 10, 2025, the westbound bus stop located on Columbia Pike and S. Walter Reed Drive (ID# 6000245) will temporarily close for approximately three months. Customers are to board ART 45 and Metrobus routes at the next nearest bus stops at N. Highland St. and/or N. Barton St. View all ART Alerts

Moving Words 2015 Student Poems

2015 Winning Student Poems

Reina Cooper, Grade 6, Kenmore Middle School
Zachary C. Jin, Kindergarten, Taylor Elementary School
Gabriel, Grade 2, Arlington Traditional School
Mihika Sinha, Kindergarten, Taylor Elementary School
Evan Eng, Grade 5, Claremont Immersion School
Clara Crawford, Grade 3, Claremont Immersion School
Erin Zarro, Grade 5, Taylor Elementary
Imogen Thomas, Grade 12, H-B Woodlawn
Jacky LaPointe, Grade 8, Gunston Middle School
Gemma Roberts, Grade 8, Kenmore Middle School

2015 Honorable Mention Student Poems

Reilly Schilling, Grade 1, Taylor Elementary School
Kate Richardson, Grade 2, Arlington Science Focus School
Josue Florian Grant, Grade 6, Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Caroline Jamison, Grade 4, Claremont lmmersion
Alisha Foster, Grade 7, Williamsburg Middle School
Alex Gallin, Grade 8, Gunston Middle School
Grayson DeWitt, Grade 4, Patrick Henry Elementary School
Maeve Harclerode, Grade 3, Claremont Immersion School
Nicholas Lowe, Grade 2, Arlington Science Focus School
Maya McCarthy, Grade 5, Claremont Immersion School
Sarah Russell-Hunter, Grade 8, Gunston Middle School
G-Zel Rodriguez, Grade 5, Claremont Immersion School
Henry Smialowicz, Grade 3, Barrett Elementary School

Beauty of a Beast

Long white fur, silky and immaculate
Dark hazel eyes, glaring with mischief
Tender pink nose, as pink as a flamingo
Sharp claws unsheathe out of a white paw
And sink into a feisty, furry gray mouse
The ashen fuzzball struggles to escape
Soot-colored rodent thrashes wildly
Vermin rasps its final breaths
The struggle is over

Reina Cooper
Grade 6
Kenmore Middle School

What is Black?

Black is as dark as a broken voice of an old ghost.
Black makes me feel scared and dark. It smells like chocolate!
It also tastes like chocolate too.
Black sounds like soft creeping foot steps in a haunted house.
Black is awesome!

Zachary C. Jin
Taylor Elementary School

My Mom’s Kindness

Mom is so kind
She is like a wave of kindness coming from the popsicle arctic
Her heart is so kind it will never stop beating
Even when she is gone her heart of kindness will be beating in my heart
Like an unstoppable bike

Grade 2
Arlington Traditional School

My Fairy

One day a fairy was in my room.
It circled around me,
it needed a new home.
I had a dollhouse.
I redecorated it.
The fairy loves it!
She becomes my friend.
The End.

Mihika Sinha
Taylor Elementary School


I feel like the emperor,
I look down at the children I look up at the stars,
and those stars are watching me,
yes they’re always watching me, even if I didn’t know it.
I made terrible choices,
only the stars and me know that.
That is why they are watching me.

Evan Eng
Grade 5
Claremont Immersion School

Just Might...

When I’m looking at my feet,
My head is hanging down,
I’m looking at the ground.
I just might make a tune, just might make it loud.
Just might go to space…just might never come down.
Now I have a smile, just might keep it for a while,
Just might...

Clara Crawford
Grade 3
Claremont Immersion School

Fairy Spells

Have you ever seen a fairy
Flying on little wings above
Graceful little creatures fly high
Making lots of friends with doves

Once a little fairy came to me
and taught me many spells
I use them for helping
and in times of drought I’ve made a well

Erin Zarro
Grade 5
Taylor Elementary


When you whisper
I feel the secrets
Of a world.
Each one,

Imogen Thomas
Grade 12
H-B Woodlawn

My Life

About one year ago
I borrowed money that I never returned
About one month ago
I was looking in the mirror, trying to fix my face
About one week ago
I was telling my friend that I’d won the gold (and it was only silver)
About one day ago
I was purposely forgetting to do my homework
About one minute ago
I was writing this poem, waiting for the world to forgive me

Jacky LaPointe
Grade 8
Gunston Middle School


creaking and sighing
the trees release their burden-
carpeting on the ground

Gemma Roberts
Grade 8
Kenmore Middle School

2015 Honorable Mention Student Poems

A Poem for Brownie the Stuffed Horse

I love your favorite color pink
I love that we both love pickles
I love your cute and fuzzy tail
I love that you wait for me while I brush my teeth
I love the little bag you came in
And I love that you can talk to me
I love how you make me feel like someone is with me
And I love when you lick me on the cheek
I promise I will never put you in the pool
But maybe in the hot tub in a container so you won’t get wet

Reilly Schilling
Grade 1
Taylor Elementary School
Ms. Ashley, Teacher

My Heartsong

I have a song deep in my heart
I call it my Heartsong.
It sings to me when I’m down
And turns my frown upside down.
It sings to me when I am mad
And sings to me when I am sad.
It lulls me to bed at night
And tells me to never fight.
It helps me fight my many fears
And wipe away all my tears

Kate Richardson
Grade 2
Arlington Science Focus School
Abraham, Teacher

The video game

Inspired by William Carlos Williams

So much depends

your thumbs on a

beating this
video game

beside the annoying

Josue Florian Grant
Grade 6
Thomas Jefferson Middle School
Mary Foley, Teacher


I step outside and the sun tickles my cheeks
That's my daily reminder of her
Reminding me of the day she was taken by the darkness
We were running from the darkness
We had a chance of escape
But I stopped for a breath
And when I turned around to say keep going
She was gone
It got her
And I        didn't get to say goodbye

Caroline Jamison
Grade 4
Claremont lmmersion
Mr. Re, Teacher


Another passenger comes in, sits down
Another story I shall never know
The bus jolts down a chosen path
And off our separate ways we go.

Alisha Foster
Grade 7
Williamsburg Middle School
Sherilyn Wall, Teacher

Joyous Spring

oversized clothing
like bananas
garishly colored
thick skin
scaring  kids
with good intentions

Alex Gallin
Grade 8
Gunston Middle School
John Stewart, Teacher

Sue Shrew

Hi, my name is Sue. I am a shrew.
My place is nice, it really is
But I live in a shoe,
A stinky, smelly shoe.
Rabbit says I should turn myself in,
But no,    I won't because
My name is Sue Shrew and I live in my shoe!

Grayson DeWitt
Grade 4
Patrick Henry Elementary School
Mercedes Dean, Teacher

My Rocking Chair

Why doesn't my rocking chair have any springs?

My rocking chair does not have springs, cause
springs are made of metal.

And it was during the 1940s, which was during
World War II.

And the metal was used to make big planes and guns.

Now I know why my rocking chair doesn't have springs.

Maeve Harclerode
Grade 3
Claremont Immersion School
Mr. Anderson, Teacher


Round like a portal
Black snakes on its back
Pointy sharp needles
Sleds in the air
Fast as lightning striking through the sky

Nicholas Lowe
Grade 2
Arlington Science Focus School
Ms. Hutcheson, Teacher


My best friend the moon comes to do his night shift.
He shows his pale, milky face.
As I admire Moon's cloak made out of stars,
I dream of when he was once brighter,
but the world was cruel.
Finally I wake up,
and see Moon sleeping,
as we drift apart

Maya McCarthy
Grade 5
Claremont Immersion School
Ms. Mufson, Teacher


In my dream
recently melted snow leaves my front yard dead
I sit in this barren patch of land
as I picture the bright flash of the sun
and I think of warmth
but now a storm roars and I squeeze my eyes shut
this is not how I wanted spring to come
I can no longer sleep so I wake and I see
That a storm has passed and the grass still dead
looks a little more hopeful

Sarah Russell-Hunter
Grade 8
Gunston Middle School
John Stewart, Teacher


There was a soft,
soft pillow that felt like it was made by angels.
You could see through it like a glass window.
No one thought that a specific pillow would be made for a

G-Zel Rodriguez
Grade 5
Claremont Immersion School
Ms. Mufson, Teacher


clearing in every way all day
wiping mistakes on its way
very famous-- actually a star
roaming the paper like a small car

Henry Smialowicz
Grade 3
Barrett Elementary School
Ms. Cohen, Teacher