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Service AlertsART Route 45 - Bus Stop Closure: Beginning February 10, 2025, the westbound bus stop located on Columbia Pike and S. Walter Reed Drive (ID# 6000245) will temporarily close for approximately three months. Customers are to board ART 45 and Metrobus routes at the next nearest bus stops at N. Highland St. and/or N. Barton St. View all ART Alerts

Moving Words 2009 Student Poems

Winning Student Poems

Margaret Atkinson, 7th Grade, H-B Woodlawn
Leo Biette-Timmons, 7th Grade, Kenmore Middle School
Lucy Binswanger, 5th Grade, Taylor Elementary School
Victoria Driggs, 6th Grade, Swanson Middle School
Jordan Flores, 1st Grade, K.W. Barrett Elementary School
Darcey Hall, 1st Grade, Arlington Science Focus School
Jamie Harvie, 1st Grade Arlington Science Focus School
Jeffrey Horowitz, 7th Grade, H-B Woodlawn
Carolyn Keshap, 5th Grade, Taylor Elementary School
Hayden Kickbush, 4th Grade, Nottingham Elementary School
Michelle Laker, 6th Grade, Swanson Middle School
Becca Merriman-Goldring, 6th Grade, Swanson Middle School

Honorable Mention Student Poems

Emily Burke, 5th Grade, Taylor Elementary School
Oliver Gaither, 2nd Grade, K.W. Barrett Elementary School
Savannah Jones, 5th Grade, Taylor Elementary School
Nora LeValley, 7th Grade, H-B Woodlawn
Carina Stinson, 4th Grade, Oakridge Elementary School

Can you?

Can you describe
something perfectly?
the utter essence of the object,
idea, person, down to its very beginning
the soul, the concept that started its very existence?
Think harder….
you may say you can, but can you really?
can you get it down on paper, or let the words fly free?
can you?

Margaret Atkinson
7th Grade ~ H-B Woodlawn


Mondays are always bad
I wake up, take a shower, and get dressed
My bus driver is either always late or really early
Sometimes I burn my toast to a crisp
I forget my lunch money on my desk
At school I fall asleep in five of seven classes
When I get home I’ll start thinking of new names for “Monday”
I’ll come up with one, so I will never wake up on a Monday again
There will be just Mythdays in my future.

Leo Biette-Timmons
7th Grade ~ Kenmore Middle School

Breakfast Fight

“I’m better than you, cereal!” said the toast with much pride
“I have cinnamon on top, but no crusts on the sides!”
“Well, you may be whole grain,” said the cereal quite upset
“But I’m delicious corn pops, how could anyone forget?”

The bacon and eggs joined into the fight
The bagels tried to stop them but cowered in fright
A doughnut punched the orange juice who spilled on some clothes
I hope that won’t be how my next breakfast goes!

Lucy Binswanger
5th Grade ~ Taylor Elementary School


Crash! Boom! Crack! It’s back!
The thunder, the lightening;
Beautiful, yet terrible, lovely, yet awful.
The lightening brings the strongest tree hurtling to the ground.
The thunder causes the bravest man’s heart to pound.
The rain makes the highest mountain crumble,
Now matter how sound.
I know it is horrid, the terror it brings,
But, honestly, rainstorms are beautiful things.

Emily Burke
5th Grade ~ Taylor Elementary School


Tree, tree, I can’t wait to see you.
As the bell rings, I crawl into your arms
like a loving mother and her child.
Your limbs have a smooth texture
and give me a comforting feeling that is deep down in my heart.
You breathe to me and the Earth,
as I sit in the limb-formed hammock made many years ago,
the precious leaves dangling in front of my face.
You speak to my mind,
and whisper the secret words of the tree.

Victoria Driggs
6th Grade ~ Swanson Middle School

Life is a Big Road

When I was a kid…
I played tag…
Dares got into…
My way of life.
And now…
I sit in jail.
I’m in timeout…
For life.

Jordan Flores
1st Grade ~ K.W. Barrett Elementary School


You have to think…
To get answers.
You need your brain
To do a problem…
When you think,
You get a…DING!
It was just a
Light bulb thing.

Oliver Gaither
2nd Grade ~ K.W. Barrett Elementary School


The frog
Is the 4th color
From the rainbow.

Darcey Hall
1st Grade ~ Arlington Science Focus School


Da dadd dun dun momma mama
I want to go to China
Da dadd dun dun
In Shanghia
Da dadd dun dun
And see Mao’s place
Da dadd dun dun.

Jamie Harvie
1st Grade ~ Arlington Science Focus School

Into the Wild we go

Into the Wild we go!
Our shoes forever abandoned,
Into the Wild we go!
Our lives forever disbanded.
Through the brush and leaves,
To feel the wonderful breeze,
To climb, to live,
To be free, to die.
Into the Wild we go.

Jeffrey Horowitz
7th Grade ~ H-B Woodlawn


On Off, On Off,
Flicker, Flicker, Flicker,
Green or Yellow,
In a jar or flying around,
Glowing Bright,
Little stars on earth,

Savannah Jones
5th Grade ~ Taylor Elementary School


I stare at the fire
It is dimming
Now it is nothing, I light it again.
I wish it were that easy for me to restart my life
Considering how many people I have hurt.

Carolyn Keshap
5th Grade ~ Taylor Elementary School

Rumple Vic Ervin

Me Rumple Vic Ervin,
I Rumple Vic Ervin,
You Rumple Vic Ervin,
Thing Rumple Vic Ervin,
Bye Rumple Vic Ervin.

Hayden Kickbush
4th Grade ~ Nottingham Elementary School

Ball Hog

There’s one on every team.
Although the first game is all right.
They decide your place.
Then there is no grace.

You’re open wide to make the shot.
But they pass to someone.
Who looks like a bug under a microscope.
There is no swish sound.
Just angry shouts and cracked bones.

Michelle Laker
6th Grade ~ Swanson Middle School


Footsteps meet pavement
Open arms meet open hearts
The day starts again

Nora LeValley
7th Grade ~ H-B Woodlawn


The sunlight filters through an open window
A small breeze passes through the rickety old door
Stirring dust that has collected on the floor
Of the cobwebby old house
The furniture lies in various states of disrepair
Dirty and moth-eaten
People used to live here
But no longer
It is now the grand domain
Of the mice

Becca Merriman-Goldring
6th Grade ~ Swanson Middle School

Get me my...

Get me my baby doll!
Fetch me my pillow!
Fetch me some water!
And turn off the lights!
Read me my story!

Carina Stinson
4th Grade ~ Oakridge Elementary School