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Service AlertsART Route 45 - Bus Stop Closure: Beginning February 10, 2025, the westbound bus stop located on Columbia Pike and S. Walter Reed Drive (ID# 6000245) will temporarily close for approximately three months. Customers are to board ART 45 and Metrobus routes at the next nearest bus stops at N. Highland St. and/or N. Barton St. View all ART Alerts

Moving Words 2003 Student Poems

The student poems below have been chosen to be displayed on Arlington Metrobuses from January through March, 2003.


Bells can be loud.
They can be put on trains.
Bells are almost everywhere
But they aren’t on eggs.

Isaac L. J. Locke
1st Grade, Tuckahoe Elementary School


Little blossoms drift
Leaving their home for the cherries
Carpeting the ground

Aster Acer
3rd Grade, Taylor Elementary School


She spoke.
It wasn’t the same language.
She held my hand.
It wasn’t the color of mine.
She laughed.
It was the same way that I did.
And that’s when I realized
That we’re all the same.
Down on the inside.

Marilyn Guerrero
5th Grade, Barrett Elementary School


What is pink?
Pink is the doorbell clink,
and the slippery soap in the sink.
Pink are your thoughts when you think.
Strawberry ice-cream is a great shade of pink,
and the inside of a watermelon juicy and sweet.
Pink is the cute little baby you meet.
It’s a new carnation flower growing on the bush,
and it’s the smell of my mom’s perfume
When she passes me in a rush.

Mukti Islam
5th Grade, Barrett Elementary School


When I was little I wished I were big
but now I wish the opposite
I wish I were young again
to run wild without a care
no one to stop me
but now
all hope is lost
should I be happy
or should I not
I am big and I wish to be small

Amar Mukhtar
6th Grade, Kenmore Middle School


A warm glow as you drop in some change
When you look at all the smiling men
The ladies dressed in long beads
And dancing dresses that move over
The floor in the next room where
Jazz slides in one ear and smoothly
Out the other as the bright colors
Of people slide around in the invisible
Music that although unseen can
Tell them just how to move

Kathy Kane
7th Grade, Kenmore Middle School

The student poems below have been chosen to be displayed on Arlington Metrobuses from October through December, 2003.


The sun
Is like a nickel
And shiny
Counting days.

Marvin Gutierrez
1st Grade, Barcroft Elementary School


Part machine – part human
Part evil – part good
Controlled by humans that use them
No way to escape their clutches
Made to destroy
Your mind says, “refuse!”
You malfunction in the battle
Mind gone – memory lost
But you choose the right way

Matthew Blower
5th Grade, Abingdon Elementary School


Turning in my covers,
Pacing ‘cross the room,
Waiting for the mail
To bring news of
My brother, the soldier.

Hannah Bauman
6th grade, Swanson Middle School


We are out all day.
Exploring the creeks.
A worm here,
a snake there.
us girls,
while the boys
play with dolls.

Pallu Chopra
6th Grade, Kenmore Middle School


Adventures across the desert lands,
A creature with a thousand hands,
A dragon with fire-red scales,
A place where they use Owl-mail.

A place filled with candy and treats,
And all the gingerbread you can eat.
These things are all around you if you look
They’re all neatly tucked up in a book.

Anthony Tran
6th Grade, Kenmore Middle School


Pitter, patter, pitter, patter
Little feet on the floor
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter
Little mouse out the door
Pitter, patter, pitter, patter
Sees some cheese, set by me
Pitter, patter, pitter, SNAP-WHACK!
Little mouse I’m sorry.

John Olbrys
8th Grade, Kenmore Middle School