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Service AlertsART Route 45 - Bus Stop Closure: Beginning February 10, 2025, the westbound bus stop located on Columbia Pike and S. Walter Reed Drive (ID# 6000245) will temporarily close for approximately three months. Customers are to board ART 45 and Metrobus routes at the next nearest bus stops at N. Highland St. and/or N. Barton St. View all ART Alerts

Adoptable ART Stops

Find out which ART bus stops you can adopt through ART's Adopt-a-Stop program.

Bus stops along ART's 16 routes can be adopted, including stops that are shared by ART and Metrobus. Metroway stops and bus stops served only by Metrobus are not available for adoption.

  • Purple markers show ART 41 stops
  • Purple pins show ART 42 stops
  • Teal markers show ART 43 stops
  • Yellow markers show ART 45 stops
  • Green pins show ART 51 stops
  • Pink pins show ART 52 stops
  • Blue pins show ART 53 stops
  • Gray markers show ART 55 stops
  • Yellow pins show ART 61 stops
  • Teal pins show ART 62 stops
  • Purple markers show ART 72 stops
  • Blue markers show ART 74 stops
  • Green markers show ART 75 stops
  • Pink markers show ART 77 stops
  • Red markers show ART 84 stops
  • Red pins show ART 87 stops
  • Stops marked by a bus have already been adopted.

Click on a pin to get the five-digit stop ID number. The ID number is required to sign up to Adopt-a-Stop. View a complete list of stops and ID numbers with a larger map.

Thank you to the following individuals and groups for adopting an ART bus stop!

& Quinn


1800 Oak Apartments

19Nineteen Clarendon Apartments

The Adventures of Cat and Dog

The American Waterways Operators

Airlines Reporting Corporation

Alex D'Emidio

Archstone Rosslyn

Arlington Mill Residences

Arlington Transportation Partners

Army Navy Country Club

Avalon at Arlington Square

Ballston BID

Belcan Government Services, LLC

Bennett Park

Photo: ART bus stopBetter Lawn Service, Inc.

Bishop O'Connell High School


The Black Family

Calloway UMC

Caroline and Friends

The Common Application

Columbia Hills Apartments

Commonwealth Joe Coffee Roasters

The Cooper Family

Crystal City Business Improvement District

Definitive Logic

Discovery Elementary

Dittmar Company -- Courtland Park Apts.

Dolley Madison Towers

Dorchester Towers/Apartments


E.B.L Humes

The Fuquas

Gregory Judkowski

The Gruver Family

Morgan Harris Jr.

HDR Inc.

Hilton Arlington & Towers

Hilton Garden Inn -- Arlington/Courthouse

Hilton Garden Inn Arlington Shirlington

Joey McGeary


Lisa Court Homeowners Association

Lindsay Malgieri

Marbella/Courthouse Crossings

Misha Lincoln

National Grocers Association

Navy League of the United States

Ness's Neighborhood

Oakland Apartments & Westmont Gardens

The O'Price Family

Papillon Cycles

Penrose Square on Columbia Pike

Phoenix Bikes

Potomac Towers Apartments

The Prime at Arlington Courthouse

Quincy Plaza - A Dittmar Community

Ramboll Environ

Rapper Girls

Rebecca and Paul

The Rixey

Siena Park Apartments

The Snider-DeJager Family

The Springs Apartments

Swanson Environmental Star

Teddy & Taylor

Ten Mile Square Technologies

The Theisz Family

The Trice Family

VADOC District 10 Probation and Parole

Virginia Square Plaza with Dittmar Company

The Walters/Verrecchia Family

Westin Arlington Gateway

Williamsburg Middle School

Lindsay Malgieri

Misha Moiseyev Lincoln

Marine Corps Exchange Henderson Hall 

Bereket Girma 

Adopt-a-Stop Quick Links